London Edinburgh London (LEL - 2021)
London Edinburgh London (LEL - 2021) I'm looking for a new challenge after my disappointment in Italy at the Maratona. Could this be the one? Well it's a very different event to the Maratona. It happens only every 4 years and will next happen in 2021. I'll be 50 that year. So LEL could be the one. It's around 1400kms of a ride with a 117 hour 5 minute cut off time (just under 5 days then) with 11128m of climbing. It leaves from London heading north and then north west before turning north east into Edinburgh. After turning south in Edinburgh it follows the same route back to London. Why would anyone want to put themselves through that? It's a challenge without a doubt. It will require every ounce of discipline in training long distances, with little sleep, overnight riding and I imagine much solitude because frankly, who is going to put their hand up to join me in a training regime for such an event? ...